Now I am not perfect by any means. I am still learning, but throughout my first year (which was last year), I learned so much. It was an up and down roller coaster. I work at a Title I school where over 90% of our students are on free lunch. Now I am not saying this to get your pity....I LOVE IT! I wouldn't be anywhere else right now and I MEAN THAT! I love when my students learn and want to be more than what they see around them and that makes all the added stress worthwhile. This is my second year and I am so EXCITED. More excited than my first year...maybe because last year I was stressing...first year teacher jitters! Well, I am excited about sharing many ideas and resources. I have completely transformed my teaching style this year, well not completely...but I will be implementing workshops in every subject I teach. It is so much work planning and preparing for these workshops, but I know my students will gain more from it. So stick around for that.
So I wanted to start off by sharing two wonderful freebies with you all out here in blog world. The first on is the mania we call BOGGLE. I created this because I couldn't find one that matched my color scheme. So dots and colors had to be made. :-) With this freebie you get the title, two recording sheets, letters and blank sheets. Enjoy. To grab this, just click the picture below.
My next freebie, I so cannot take credit for. This game was actually adapted from the ever great math game floating around, "Math It UP!". (check out the creator Live, Laugh, and Love to Learn). I wanted to do this game, but wanted to use it with more basic math skills and not have to change out the title every time. So, I made interchangeable header cards and gave the game a general name, "Math It UP!" So now I can just change the header for the skill I want my students to work on. This game includes title, four headers (addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division), numbers cards (1-99), blank cards, and recording sheet. To grab this game, just click on the picture below.
Hope you enjoy both of the games and be sure to follow my blog. I have many ideas to share and can't wait to share them with you! And don't forget to Button Up! (grab my button)